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Dynamic Interest

Yama has implemented dynamic interest rates for borrowers based on current PSM utilization. Interest is calculated as a linear piecewise function. Note that there is a minimum and maximum interest rate, which are set to 0% and 60% respectively as of June 17, 2023. Do note that interest is updated by InterestCollateralManager.setInterestRates(), which is triggered when collateral is added/removed (including leverage actions). It is not necessarily triggered when users lend/withdraw or swap without using the PSM, so the interest may deviate from the expected value.

i(x)={x(ibia)utilA+ia,i<utilAicibutilButilA(xutilA)+ib,utilAi<utilBidic100utilB(xutilB)+ic,iutilB}i(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{lr} \frac{x(i_b-i_a)}{utilA} + i_a, & i<utilA\\ \\ \frac{i_c-i_b}{utilB-utilA}(x-utilA) + i_b, & utilA \leq i<utilB\\ \\ \frac{i_d-i_c}{100-utilB}(x-utilB) + i_c, & i \geq utilB \end{array} \right\}

Rates vary depending on collateral type.

PSM Utilization (%)MooGLP Interest (%)ARB Interest (%)YPlvGLP Interest (%)jGLP Interest (%)YSnrLLP Interest (%)
0 - 850 - 80 - 80 - 130 - 150 - 15
85 - 908 - 158 - 1513 - 2515 - 2515 - 25
90 - 10015 - 8015 - 8025 - 8025 - 8025 - 80

GLP/ARB interest graph jGLP interest graph YPlvGLP interest graph